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Upper Corner sides
Post by ChadK on Jun 9th, 2016, 02:19am

I make frameless cabinets with solid 3/8" thick banding to cover the ply edges. To have the program calculate the sizes correctly, I set face frame thickness to .375 in general standards.

I use a cabinet depth of 14" and the program calculates the sides for 13-5/8", allowing me to add the 3/8" banding to arrive at a final 14" depth.

On upper corner cabinets however, when I set the left and right side depths to 14", the cut list shows the sides to be 14" instead of 13-5/8". I'm confused because the cut list also shows 3/8" solid face frame just like all the other normal cabinets. This would bring my final depth to 14-3/8".

Is there a setting I can apply to make the numbers come out right?
Re: Upper Corner sides
Post by Rob on Jun 9th, 2016, 09:21am

The sides for the upper corner cabinets are meant to meet the face at a 45* angle. The face frame thickness isn't figured in their depth.

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Re: Upper Corner sides
Post by ChadK on Jun 10th, 2016, 01:48am

Thank you, I appreciate the explanation.